Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I need your submissions!

Hello to all of my friends and family!

A little background on the inspiration for this blog. I've been going through quite a rough patch lately. This past week I got so down I couldn't see my way out of it. So many friends and family members offered me their love and support, and I couldn't have made it through without their help. In today's world, with the economic crisis causing people to lose their homes, jobs, and financial stability, it is easy to despair. However, the current climate of anxiety and fear, anger and misunderstandings, allows for ample opportunities to provide service to others, rise above the fear, and find out who we really are, and what we have the potential to become.

So I invite you to send me your stories of how others have helped you, or shown you an example of courage and hope in a time when there seemed to be none available. Who are the modern day superheroes in your life, and why? It can be a story of a random act of kindness from a complete stranger, to something on quite the opposite spectrum; someone who changed your life drastically by their service or actions or help.

Feel free to post your submission on my blog, or email me personally with the story at my email address, If you wish to remain anonymous or change names, please feel free to do so.

I am so excited to see what we can learn about each other from this project! I feel that the world needs hope now more than ever before. Additionally, the average "janes and joes" in our lives are rarely recognized for who they are to us. This blog is a way to express our gratitude and tribute to the angels among us, the modern day superheroes (or heroines!) in our midst. I am also anticipating that as we read these posts, we can ourselves be strengthened through the examples of others.


  1. Working as a supervisor in a large trauma hospital setting, I have many chances to see hope and courage and people who come out of no-where to help others who are really in need. The greatest lesson I have learned in this life has come from dispair and feeling that their was no hope for change. I discovered, that you bring about what you think about and feel about. If you want things better, it will get better. Maybe not when you want it, but it will get better. I have watched people's lives change in an instant, due to an accident or life changing events such as illness. We all need to give back to show our gratitude for what we recieve. I have seen this economy just as bad as it is now, about 10 years ago. Nurses were having trouble finding jobs. They had to work taking care of the elderly in a nursing homes, instead of working in a big trauma center that they had hoped for. They learned that taking care of the elderly, certainly is more rewarding than it appears. Doing the grunt work in nursing has become the best opportunity for many nurses to find a job. I started out working in a nursing home, because I was moving to another state to start school and didn't want to work in a hospital and leave after 6 months. It was a great experience that I still laugh about today, 32 years later. It is all worth it in the long run and can shape our future and how we veiw every thing arround us.

  2. When I was growing up, there was this older couple at church that always sat on one of the side pews. Since our Ward wasn't very big, the two of them had the entire pew to themselves - the old mad sitting on the end, and his wife closer to the wall.

    Occasionally we'd sit behind them or on the end of the center pew adjacent to theirs. When the Sacrament would be passed, the man would take the tray from the Deacon, and then pass it to his wife, and they would renew their covenants together.

    That was probably the most powerful lesson on marriage I've ever gotten, and it was a subtle one that I would've missed if I weren't watching.

    I never did learn his name.

  3. Thanks everyone for your posts so far! Keep them coming, I'm loving it.

